Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Light Shining in the Darkness

In which our Hero contemplates Light.

If you have not previously heard, I will now inform you that much of Fort Wayne was, and parts still are, without power, starting from last Friday and continuing, with predictions that power will not be fully restored until this coming Friday.

My family, fortunately, had power returned to our home late Sunday evening; there was much rejoicing.

But that, is all context.

We had spent quite a bit of time on Saturday wondering about the logistics of Sunday's Divine service, with no air conditioning, lighting, organ or, most shockingly, my heart almost stopped, coffee.

By the end of the day, it had been pretty much decided by Pastor and Kantor, that the service would be lead, musically, by the skilled hand of our master trumpeter, with supplemental, violins, piano and choir.

On Sunday morning, it was hot. It was still only early morning when the temperature hit eighty-degrees Fahrenheit.

I attended the eight-o'clock service, as usual, to perform my duties as acolyte.

Between that service and the ten-thirty service later on, I was taken up with a singular idea.

Despite lack of lighting, organ, air conditioning, even, dare I say it, coffee. Nothing was different. My brother served at late service as acolyte while I sang in choir, as per usual. The whole service, from beginning to end, had not changed. There was a baptism, another child of God held safe in the ark of Christendom; the Sermon was preached, brilliantly might I add; the Body and Blood administered to the people. The forgiveness of sins, the Gospel, Christ himself, were all present. The Light shone through the darkness and illuminated the hearts of men, not because we deserved it, or had earned it by showing up despite the lack of air conditioning; but because that's what He does, that is who He Is.

The people departed the service with the words of God placed upon them in the Benediction, and went back to their own homes, whether they had electricity or not, forgiven, having received the Peace of God which passes all understanding placed upon them, the forgiveness of their sins.

Thank you for reading.

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