Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sundry Sophomore Soliloquoys, vol. 3

In which our hero whittles away writing about a Wednesday....

Continuing our sequential plot line of summary posts, today was Wednesday.

Indeed, it was the first day of serious classwork for Theory, although that consisted of review of last semester....

-Interjection: I was afraid that I would not be able to do theory and analysis as quickly, having neglected those skills over the summer... I needn't have worried, I was completing problems about as fast as I could identify the pitches... which was fast.

....I had a good time during that class. Dr. Johnson is going to be great to have as a professor. I've missed theory. I might have to pursue composition merely to explore the possibilities presented by the vast world of theory. I love it.

After Theory had ended, I walked with some classmates across campus to where a local breakfast place was catering an ISPGA event. It was decent food, and more protein to add to my daily diet. Shortly after food was my third day of French. I have struggled to get onto my feet with French. I pick up words quickly, and I understand what people are saying very fast, but I got confused by the two fifteen page documents, the Programme Detailles and the Syllabus. I believe I now know what I must do and it is simply a matter of finding the time to do it.

Immediately after French I took off for piano. Piano has always been one of my easier prospects, today was no exception. We were assigned to do five-finger pattern warm-ups for next class, but I was able to do the patterns proficiently today, thus saving me the time on Friday. It was a straight forward class, we were assigned the twelve-bar blues and to review minor scales.

When piano had ended, I had nothing to do til Vocal Jazz, an extra-curricular ensemble, not a class.

When I arrived for Jazz, about two minutes late, I quickly realized I was one of only four guys in the room. I was then informed that two of them were tenors, and that as it stood, we were only guaranteed us two for basses. We went through the business for the ensemble; electing new officers, proposing fundraising plans. Then, came the election of section leaders, as one of two basses present, and between us the only voice major, I was made bass section leader. I was not particularly enthused by the idea, but then, I don't have to be. I figured I could do the job as well as just about anybody.

Jazz was the end of my day. Afterwards I walked across campus to meet with Mrs. P to catch a ride home with her.

When I had gotten home, I met my family for foodtrucks. A good way to end the day.

And that, essentially, was my Wednesday.

Thanks for reading.

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